Conducting a Security Audit: Stay Ahead with These Tips

Let’s face it—when your security system is working perfectly, it’s easy to let maintenance slide. But that’s when things can get risky. Regular maintenance is key to keeping your systems in top shape, which is why having a well-structured and managed security audit is so important. Don’t wait until something goes wrong; start your security audit program on day one and keep it going strong!

Crime isn’t taking a break, and neither should your security measures. Whether you’re running a small business or a large organization, protecting your assets is more critical than ever. With everything going on, the last thing you need is an unexpected expense because your security measures weren’t up to par.

As an IT pro, you’ve already put in the hard work to build a productive and secure environment. You’ve got the latest software, cutting-edge equipment, and a team that’s more efficient thanks to your efforts. But what happens when the maintenance of your security system falls off the radar?

Let’s just say, it’s not something you want to experience. A lack of maintenance can leave you exposed to all sorts of issues. So, to keep everything running smoothly, here’s a game plan to help you stay on top of your security system:

1. Baseline or Bust
Start by doing a full audit of your existing software and hardware. Yes, it’s time-consuming, but it’s the only way to know where you really stand. Take a walk through your setup and make sure everything’s up-to-date and working as it should be. And while you’re at it, check that physical security components, like those handy laptop cables, are actually being used. 

2. Knowledge is Power
Did your audit turn up some outdated software? Don’t panic, just get those updates installed ASAP. Most security software comes with regular updates—think monthly or quarterly. If you’re not keeping up with these, you’re leaving the door open to all sorts of digital mischief. Make sure you know when updates are due so you can keep your system locked tight.

3. Keep ‘Em Honest
During your audit, you might notice some physical security gear isn’t being used as it should be. Compliance can be tricky because, let’s be real, you can’t watch everyone all the time. Instead, try doing random spot checks to keep everyone on their toes. A little reminder here and there can go a long way—maybe even a friendly post-it note or two to nudge people in the right direction.

4. It’s a Team Effort
Security is a team sport. Even if your department is on top of things, it doesn’t mean much if others are slacking. Once you’ve got your baseline and set your expectations, it’s time to get everyone on board. Create a simple, clear plan that explains how maintenance will be handled, what’s expected, and how to report issues. You could even throw in some fun incentives—like a contest for the department with the best security compliance. Who doesn’t love a free lunch, right?

Sure, this might seem like a lot of work, but trust me, it’s worth it. Cleaning up after a security breach is way harder than staying on top of maintenance.

Need a hand with the physical security part of your audit? We’ve got high-compliance products to help you out. With over 30 years of experience, we’re here to make sure your equipment stays safe. Give us a call at (800) 466-7636.

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